My Personal Wellness Journey
My Journey to Being Present in My Life
Every health professional can probably point to a certain circumstance or life event that helped guide them into that role.
For me, it all started about 8 years ago. I was struggling with a mix of health issues (skin, hormonal, emotional) and decided to pursue holistic care. I consulted a nutritionist for just under a year with few results to speak of. Next, I started meeting regularly with a naturopathic doctor and continued for about 9 months. I didn't receive all the answers, but the support I felt from this doctor was night-and-day difference from the first nutritionist. I could tell that the naturopath genuinely cared about my health challenges as well as my frustrations in not seeing answers despite intense effort.
Over a year later, I chose to work with another naturopathic doctor and started to see a few signs of progress in my physical health. About this same time, I enrolled in college and started studying nutrition. Along the way, I had the opportunity to work with wellness programming for two 3-month periods at my local hospital. It was during one of these internships that I first discovered Wellcoaches and heard a bit more about the health coaching model. Something clicked, and I discovered my passion for coaching.
So, you may be asking: why do my life experiences set me apart as a health & wellness coach? I understand what it's like to put in a ton of effort to improve one's health and not see results. I understand how it feels to have a health professional merely tell you what to do AND how good it feels to connect with a professional who really gets who you are and where you are coming from. I understand that life is often messy and crazy busy, but it is possible to shift perspective and see life as an adventure with amazing potential.
Health coaching is not about setting you up with unrealistic ideals. I know that life isn't easy. Instead we will focus on your strengths, what we can celebrate, and being more present even in the challenges. You have what it takes to be fully present in YOUR life. You have what it takes to create habits that will be live-giving vs. life-draining. You are capable, resilient, and strong!